Healing with Hatha


Embark on a Self Healing journey with Hatha Yoga!

Welcome Beautiful Soul!

The most important relationship we will ever has is the one we have with ourselves, yet it is usually the one we ignore and put last, we have been conditioned to live our life outwardly, this is no longer serving humanity, life’s joy and happiness is found once we connect inward to our truest self.

It’s time to slow right down and reconnect with your Heart, Mind, Body and Soul.

I invite you to take a gentle healing journey into the world of Traditional Hatha Yoga where you will learn to reconnect with yourself and understand who you are at your very core.

Hatha Yoga is not just about stretching your physical body, you are embarking on a deep inward journey of Self Love, Self Awareness and Self Discovery, you will be working with all the layers of your being.

Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Energetically and Spiritually.

This is why you will see and feel lasting transformation in your life.

While moving through the physical practice of Hatha Yoga, Breath work and Meditation, you will learn about the Chakra System, Energy and your relationship to the universe and how this can guide you into alignment with your truest self.

We will explore concepts to help you live a healthier happier more balanced life, filled with more Vitality, Creativity, Courage, Confidence, Determination, Inner Strength, Gratitude,  Love, Happiness, Joy, Connection, Presence and Awareness.

You will have a safe space to explore your emotions, stories and struggles and learn how to release them from the body which will create space for you to invite in new beautiful qualities that are connected to your higher self and hearts desires.


Healing with Hatha is an online, self paced, healing and personal development program that you can complete at your own pace, in the privacy and safety of your own home.

There are 3 levels each containing 10, 1 hour classes, lectures on the metaphysical teachings and a practice space for the postures before you dive in.

Level 1 Getting to know Hatha

Level 2 Feeling and Dealing

Level 3 Sublimation

This program is for anyone wanting to explore what it means to have a deeper connection with them self and the universal energies that guide us into living our best life through conscious awareness. You do not need to have done any yoga to participate, Healing with Hatha is well designed for beginners up too advanced.

All you need is a yoga mat, a quiet space and 2-3 hours per week. (recommended) 

You have the option to add weekly mentoring and support to your journey, this will include 10x 30minutes zoom calls where I will be able to support and guide you through your experience.

Beautiful Soul are you ready to jump in and create the lasting change you deserve?


Simply click the button below to be taken to a secure Paypal site for payment, you will then hear from me via email with in 24 hours.


Payment plans available please reach out here.