My Story



Do you know that saying people don't change? Well I completely disagree with this statement, people do change, in my opinion, when they are ready and can no longer continue doing and being the same way they have always been.


Was i ever good enough, was I ever safe, was I ever loved, was I ever actually alone? All these fear based thoughts that consumed my life for a very long time had to stop!  I have come to learn they weren't real truth, but I certainly lived as if they were. I lived constantly trying to please everyone around me, disrespecting and dishonouring my true authentic self, being someone I thought everyone else wanted me to be, just to be liked and accepted.

Moving from a fear based life to a life of love certainly brought it's challenges, I am not going to say it is easy, but every step of the way is worth it.


My name is Emilee

 Every day my intention is to step more into Self Love and living from an open heart. I work on myself everyday through many practices, including yoga, meditation, self study and feminine embodiment. These practices have guided me into my ultimate transformations.

Through out my life I have gathered many gems of wisdom, I have studied in Hatha and Yin Yoga, Holistic Counselling and Reiki 1+2, while I value these qualifications I find nothing more valuable than the real life experiences I have lived and survived through. 


Here's how the story goes......All these fears I had came from an unfortunate upbringing, being bullied at school, no stability in the home life, rather being around alcoholism, drugs and abusive relationships.

          Feeling and dealing with my emotions was not something I was taught, neither was standing up for myself, nor self respect, or at that matter, self love and acceptance. These are qualities I had to learn the hard way and am still learning more deeply everyday.

For years, switching off and being numb from the pain was a much easier way of life. I drowned myself in relationships, drugs and alcohol just to feel good. Searching for happiness in these external situations, wanting my partner to hold my happiness, wanting that drug to constantly keep me in the sky, creating distraction after distraction to keep me disconnected, never taking responsibility for myself.

 The truth in my eyes is this, outside stimuli can only take you so far, at some point you will be confronted with looking deeper at who you really are and what your deeper truth is.

That beautiful saying Happiness comes from within, who would of thought there was actually something to it!


 At a certain point I started to wake up to the fact that I was playing out a merry go round of patterns. Patterns that were just trying to keep me safe, but also keeping me very small. This was a very profound time in my life where everything started changing. It didn't look pretty but looking back i am grateful for all the lessons.

When we can learn to accept who we are in all our shit, the so called "good" and "bad", this is where we find a sense of peace, until then we will usually always suffer in some way or another.

I am certainly a different person than I was a few years ago because I chose to change and was disciplined enough to commit to doing the work. 

I have found so many valuable practices and tools that have got me to where I am today. This place I am talking about is one of happiness, acceptance, sobriety, trust in myself and others, but most importantly, authenticity and Self Love! 

Could you imagine going about your day, being present in the beauty of your surrounds and feeling content with life, not being triggered by everyone around you in some way or another. To walk through your day with a genuine smile regardless of what was happening, this is the path I am on, and I am so blessed to be able to share it with you and help you on your journey.    

I just have one question for you..... Are you ready to change?


Through these programs I support and guide people into a new way of living and looking at life. A life of Authenticity, Courage and Love.