Vibe Boosters!
Here it is beautiful soul!
A new tool you can add to your day that will only take you a few minutes each time to raise your vibration!
There are topics for all areas of your life to support the reprogramming of your subconscious mind and imprint new belief systems that will support you in calling in the life you desire, all while helping you recognise and release the limitations that are not serving you any longer.
For best results pick one and listen to it 5 times daily, every few hours!
Alternatively you can mix them up and listen to 5 different ones, the tip is to be consistent with the same ones so your subconscious mind starts believing these new belief systems, once you feel you are embodying these beliefs you can move on to other ones!
Your vibration will fall back to your original default setting every 3-4 hours and this can be the start of our spiralling downwards so if you are plugging into these audios regularly you will with consistent practice start to notice the shifts!
Remember- What you Believe you Receive!!!