Your Journey
If our cup isn’t full and our vibration is low
and we keep putting everyone else’s needs before our own…
Burn out is inevitable.
Personal and Spiritual growth is one of the most important things
you can do for yourself
Because it reminds you of who you are and what you are made of!
What have you been doing for yourself lately?
I know life can get real busy,
sometimes we question where we can make time for ourselves!
Your options below are completely flexible to your schedule and needs
It’s time to make yourself a priority and come back to YOU!
If you have further questions, Let's Chat!
Holistic and spiritual counselling
Raise your vibe 101
An abundance of wisdom, tools, activities and education on how to raise your vibration, heal and feel good more of the time.
Healing with Hatha
Take a journey into the depths of Hatha Yoga with a self paced personal development program that guides you into Self-Love, Self-Awareness, Self-Discovery and Healing, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically.
10 Days of Gratitude
10 Days of Gratitude is a short introductory course offering you the tools and understanding of how to apply gratitude to raise your vibration into one of abundance and magic.
Time line reset
Time Line Reset is a gentle process to guide you into releasing the charge of negative emotions and changing limiting beliefs.
Reiki and energy healing
A gentle process where you will relax on the table as I tune into universal source energy and receive direct messages and healing energies to guide you on your healing journey.
Yoga and meditation
(In person and online)
Choose your style, Hatha or Yin....
Group or 1 on 1 sessions.